Why Us

Vision Statement

Estaterealty is a modern, professional and performance based company.

Our team confidently and consistently connects with people providing an exclusive service. 

We are committed to the opportunity and dedicated to the best result for our clients.


Why Us

Ben Stevenson, the Principal of Estaterealty, has a proven record of over 18 years in the Property industry both in Australia and the United Kingdom.

During this period Ben has been directly involved and managed companies with over $789m in property transactions.

Estaterealty was established in February 2011 and is focused on success. 


When choosing an agent to handle your real-estate requirements, we believe these are some of the key things to look for,


Highly trained in negotiation

Benefiting both seller and buyer and ensuring the biggest financial decision you are making in life is a pleasant and successful one, our agent representing you and your property is highly trained using internal and external  systems following best practices, knowledge and techniques.


The agents support system

Elite athletes benefit from a like-minded support team which is paramount to achieving their personal best consistently. A real estate agent is the same. Real estate is a demanding career and without the correct team structure your agent is far less efficient which in turn determines the end result. Estaterealty is not a quantity machine it is a quality based business. This way we always have 100% of our time allocated to all our listings.



Ask your agent why they are in the real estate industry? Did the answer motivate you to start a business relationship? Do they have enthusiasm? Were they on time? Things like these are indications of the person’s motivation; agents should be excited and feel it is an honour and privilege to visit homes or discuss real estate issues. There are to many people out there that say, “I would never buy through that person, or they are always late, or they never return my call” not good enough. Motivation cures inaction. Why are 10% of all the agents doing 90% of the business? They know why they work, continually setting goals is the key to keeping the burning desire to achieve, this will create action and results which in turn results in highly motivated teams. Choose an agency that is motivated.



Clear and consistent feedback will keep you informed of the market conditions and where your property is placed against the competition. Updates on changes in the market may mean changes in your marketing or pricing strategy. It is policy within our business to have weekly contact with vendors as a minimum, and systems are in place for exceptional service to the buyers or tenants.


Current market Appraisals

Never list with an agent that says "I think you home is worth......" or can not back up their opinion with written comparisons. No matter how much you believe their opinion on price or marketing strategy always get a few agents in to discuss the property and the best way it can be sold. You owe it to your self to discuss in detail, actual sales results and properties on the market you will be competing against with your agent. Buyers have to much information at their finger tips today, and quickly see a property that is over priced, or has bad photos and turns them off an inspection over its competition. Estaterealty prides itself on providing an in-depth appraisal with all aspects of the process of sales, renting and managing property.